Friday, February 27, 2009


Welcome to the blog, the atrium of appraisals, the compound of criticism, and the brunt of my blunt judgment.
this blog was once a very weak and inconsistent attempt at reviewing movies seen in theaters, and I've since done away with that aspect of it. I felt it needed a more consistent element, and what is more consistent than the movies I own?
From here on I will be reviewing the movies from my DVD collection, an ever-growing wallpaper of plastic spines and intermingling fonts that often taunt, tease, and torment me when the night comes that I desire to watch something. How will I choose which movie to review? I have recently made an effort to systematize my personal schedule into a rigid format designed to force upon my weeknight evenings, amongst other elements, at least one of my movies a week (a schedule disregarding weekends, of course).
I would be best to begin with the movies I both own and have never in my life seen - and oddly enough there are a handful of them, sadly to say. Some have the valid excuse of being so utterly terrible, a fact known purely by seeing the packaging, the cast, or the franchise into which the film is trying to crowbar itself. I own these movies because for whatever personal particular, they in some minuscule way, are connected to a movie that is NOT half bad.
What is far more likely to happen is my critiquing of movies I like and watch with some repetition. This is because I am human, I do like good movies, and good movies get watched more often than bad ones. I am a creature of moods as well, and often I am in a "mindless explosions" mood rather than a "thoughtful, sit and pay attention" mood.
So with my next post, we will begin this journey, and say hello to some old friends.
I am also a contributing member of the Digital Body Count. Swing on by and check'er out!

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